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Author- Aviral Srivastava, B.A.LLB. (Corporate law), UPES, DEHRADUN Introduction: Trust administration is a critical process that takes place after the death of a person who has...

Need of Tourism Laws in India

Introduction Tourism, as we understand it, is a multifaceted industry with several sectors, locations, travelers, and difficulties. On its website, the World Tourism Organization has...

How to register a cyber crime complaint?

In this era of digitization everything is available on the internet. Now a days people are using internet for their day to day activities...

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What is CrPC (Criminal Procedure Code)?

CrPC is the abbreviation of Criminal Procedure Code. It is a law in India and to understand Criminal Procedure Code you have to first...

Does IT Rules, 2021 Call for Breaking of End-to-end Encryption?

The Information Technology Rules, 2021 have been framed in exercise of powers of the government under section 87 subsection (2) of the Information Technology...

Implications of the Inclusion of Gig Workers in the Code Of Social Security, 2020

Recently, the Code on Social Security was drafted to amalgamate nine labour laws. Seeing the ever-widening ambit of the gig economy, it became necessary...

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Bailment and Pledge

Contract of Bailment and Pledge

Bailment and Pledge are two special contracts that are often confused. Every pledge is a bailment but every bailment is not pledge. Bailment means...

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